30 Jan 2024 by Sharon Crowley

Good morning families,

We hope that you have all had a wonderful holiday and have had the opportunity to spend some family time together.

The new school year is nearly here and we are looking forward to seeing our students and hearing about their summertime adventures.

Students in Years 1 to 6 return to school on Thursday, 1 February and will spend the first few days with their 2023 class to allow us to finalise our 2024 class structure. Students will line up in their 2023 class lines when the bell goes at 9:00am.

As per previous years, we request that students are dropped off and enter the school gates independently. If parents/carers need to visit the school office, please allow your children to head to the playground by themselves once you are finished.

Enjoy the last days of the holidays and see everyone on Thursday morning!

Quakers Hill East PS