Uniform Shop News

12 Dec 2023 by Kim Henderson

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you for all your support this year. I would like to thank my volunteer staff for 2023: Dorine, Rebecca, Erin & Lyaine. You have been amazing and I could not do this without you.

Going into 2024 we will need more volunteers to help with filling orders on Friday mornings and Monday afternoons, so if you have an hour or two to spare, please consider helping out. All profits from the Uniform Shop go straight back to the students. If volunteers cannot be found, then the shop will not be able to operate on these days. Please direct message me on Facebook or send me an email at uniforms_qheps@hotmail.com if you would like more information.

I will also require help on the Special Uniform Day – 30th January 2024. Please direct message me on Facebook or send me an email at uniforms_qheps@hotmail.com if you can assist. If we are unable to get volunteers this day will not go ahead, and orders will be filled on the first Friday of school in 2024.


The last day to place orders for 2023 – Thursday 14th December 2023. If your order does not come home then, you can pick up on 30th January 2024.

XS/S Hats are on backorder and not due in until mid to late Feb 2024, if you would like to swap to a S/M hat please return it to the office and we will organise a swap.

New Microfibre Jackets are on order and they will be filled as soon as they come in.

All refunds for 2023 have been processed and you should have received an email from uniforms_qheps@hotmail.com or a direct message if I have been comunicating with you on Facebook. If you have not received anything, please send an email.

Special Uniform Pick Up Day 30th January – Pick up will be from outside the office from 1pm – 2pm. If you can not make it then, the order will be available in the office when the students return to school on Thursday 1st February 2024.

There will be an exchange day on Friday 2nd February from 9:30am – 10:30am for anyone requiring different sizes. Please remember to keep the tags on if you need to exchange – if tags have been removed we can not exchange or refund.

Kind Regards
Heidi Reynolds
QHEPS P&C Uniform Shop Coordinator

Please note that due to Covid the Uniform Shop is currently closed to parents. All uniform orders will be filled and delivered to the office on Monday afternoon & Friday morning for dispersement to the student.

Join our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/QHEPS/